E.M.G - My Eyes Bleed
Hip hop artist 'EmG' release a new track titled "My Eyes Bleed" Remix
Doubt have been something common working with fear making me feel I'm wasting my time, like even if I'm doing something i love something i feel is meant for me still i feel there is no space for me in it, like i won't blow up cause I'm afraid people might probably not like what I do or something cause i ain't as good as the others. Is everything I feel is like me myself and I are fighting on who will take over but I just want to do me cause I've understand that no matter what I do not everybody will like me, I believe that even if 100 people hate me 100 different people will like me I guess they all have their views on how they look at me so I can't change what they believe all I can do Is me and I know that I will always be lock with God-COde and no body can't hack it that is a fact.
So just always believe in anything you do and love cause it will glow and show the world someday as long you don't give up. JUST BELIEVE
Facebook: E.m.G
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